Monday, December 24, 2007

Firsts for Christmas...

This has most certainly been a year of firsts for so many things, Christmas seems like the smallest of them all in some respects but in many ways this was the time which made being in China, being out of college, and everything feel real for me.

Christmas has always been a chaotic time for me, but for all the added stress and confusion I have always found a warmth and acceptance in this time of year. It comes from the very physical parts of the season: It has been getting colder but not for long enough for people to have truely begun to dislike the cold. This year I've experienced that more than others since it has been getting genuinely cold, and having lived my whole like if San Diego I certainly have not felt the warmth of a hot radiator after walking in, out of the near frozen air.

This year for the first time I decorated my own place, my own apartment/room/house on my own and only with things that I got through borrowing or buying them. It is a completely different feeling to revel in another person's festivities than to celebrate your own fortunes in your own way. The more of life I see the more I become convinced that there is little in this world worth gaining through the hands of others.

Personal Acheivement is such a valuble thing that I when I turn on the lights in my flat I feel more relaxed than I can remeber, though there is very little awe in my lights. Back home people really strive to out do one another and their efforts I feel are worthy of awe, mine on the other hand just create a sense of home in my flat, a world away from the competition.

Sandy, one of the teachers bought me this stuffed panda and dressed him up for the holidays, he's not just an ordinary Panda though... ... Stay tuned as the story breaks.

In years past I have made special baked things and such for Christmas, some of my family knows that I have a flair for the dramatic and enjoy spending the time to make food which can be enjoyed before it is eaten. Of course most of the time I genuinely care about how it tastes too.

This year for the first time I decided to make gingerbread on my own, but in China there are some things that make this a little bit of a problem.

To start with, the Chinese don't bake, so all of the little things, like ovens, are not common out here. Include with the lack of ovens and lack of ingredients normally reserved for baking, like Vanilla for the cookies I wanted to make, and a complete lack of measuring cups.

Armed with an 8oz. drinking cup and a couple of different sized spoons which had been collected over the last two years be the flat's previous residents, I set out to bake in a toaster oven. I made peanut butter cookies topped with peices of Dove Chocolate and Gingerbread... well Gingerbread shapes. They started with Gingerbread men, and then I got bored and playful.

To the right you'll notice that the gingerbread woman on the right has a bun in the oven. Lisa is one of the teachers at work and she is expecting in March, so I make a cookie for her that she could relate to.

To the left you'll notice a cat person. Cathy the head teacher took on the nick-name "Super Cat" to try to keep her class from becoming too in love with their "Super Panda", me. The effort didn't work but she got her cat person cookie out of the deal.

On the far right you'll see a gingerbread rat... yes thats right, a gingerbread rat. The word for Rat and Mouse is the same in China and on top of that they are considered cute (when not actually seen alive). Sissy is rather fond of drawings of mice and so I did what I could with a knife to make a gingerbread rat for her to enjoy. If your wondering if I did this just because the girl in question is beautiful and single, I will admit that those facts didn't hurt the motivation. In truth she has become a friend of mine, and even if nothing else comes of it I will do nice things for my friends from time to time when I can.

Thats the real key, my motivation was exceedingly simply... I can.

Jessica is another of my new friends, and with her cookie I made a slight logisitcal mistake. Some of you will be looking at the cookie right now tring to figure out what you are looking for. Its a G and an h.

Jessica has a new class of students one of which did not get the smart genes in the family. In his latest exam he couldn't remember which small letter went with which big letter, his exam actually read "Gf" but I misremembered the exam while I was making the cookies. She enjoyed it anyways.

On the right now is the last of the special cookies that I made, this one was for Sandy who absolutely loved pictures of San Diego's beaches (because they are Sandy too).

More that that, she took the time to make a present which is still one of my absolute favorities that I have ever gotten. You saw the front of him above and you saw that he was wearing a tie.

This is part of his secret Identity as the seemingly normal Hughbert Hewer. In reality he is:

Did you see that comming? Really?

Of all these firsts there is another one which is small but very, very fun. This is the first year I have a looked out my window and heard something which is in all the songs about this time of year. This picture was taken on the morning of Christmas Eve, and while I don't think I will get a repeat show tomorrow, this still makes it officially my first White Christmas.

There wasn't more snow than just enough to look at, but that still makes it more than enough for me. I went out for a walk in the snow. I much advise this over walks in the rain, properly secured from the cold it is actually very pleasant. Rain tends to be much more wet while with the snow i stayed rather dry the whole time.

My firsts didn't end there, I just had my first Christmas party which I hosted. It was a small get together, light and fun with friends. I spent much of my energy in preparing cookies (Mom's recipes modified for lack of certain things), hot apple cider (Stef's recipie but with half a lemon peel in place of an orange peel because I was too lazy to go by an orange), and collecting movies that are fun for the background like Home Alone.

To the left are (left to right) Chrissy, Jessica, Sissy, and Maggie.

I topped the cookies with an attempt at Royal icing, it didn't come out to bad though I didn't get the liquid to solid ratio quiet right. I also didn't expect the various teachers to bring me presents, especially since I had only bought small gifts for them (apart from the four I am good friends with). The collection of gifts was actually very thoughtful and made me feel a little embarrassed that I didn't go find more for them than I actually had.

To the right are (left to right) Grace in the background, Vicky, Sandy, and Chrissie. I think its a safe bet that Vicky didn't know she was in the picture.

So on top of my other firsts this the first year that I was truly surprised by receiving gifts. I got an assortment of things not the least of which included a new pair of shoes all the way from America.

The foot belongs to Cathy, the head teacher of Xi Gong school.

I also got some new tea from Vickey, some Charlie brown drinking cups from Sissy (with hearts on them which I am hoping is a good sign), a bottle of paper stars from Jessica so that I can make a wish (If she didn't have a boyfriend I would take that as a clear sign of interest), a nice journal and day planner from Lily, and a little red lantern for candles from Cathy.

My christmas isn't quiet over, but this year, Christmas came early. Tomorrow I have work in the evening but I will be calling my family in the morning (their Christmas Eve). I work on New Years Eve, but I have the following three days off so I am going to start planning something. I might choose to go visit the Shaolin temple, you know... make sure the New Year is really kick ass or something? Maybe I'll find out if the girls want to go dancing. I'm 20 pounds lighter than when I got her, and have much more energy... I should have a few moves to bust out thanks to my year of Lindy-Hop.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm dreaming of an Ireverant Christmas.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Where everybody looks like me,
Where the talks of money,
And hows the honey?
And hey, cuz lo-ong time no see.
no see.

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas.
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the store fronts glisten,
And children listen, to hear:
Whose folks spent more dough.
Fo' Sho'

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas.
With people spending all they can,
While the shops we're blaming,
The banks are gaining,
And lights, the whole ci-i-ty will span.
Oh Man.

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas,
With all the bounced checks that I'll writes
Take your wallet from Heavy
To light...

And my all your Christmases
Be White.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chronicles of the Dragon of Unhapiness

Many of you will have noticed a sharp decline in the rate which I have been updating this web log of my journies. Part of this is due to an increase in my work load as many of my fellow Lao Wai (foreigners) head home for the holidays, but the true reason has been from added work loads from other sources.

First I have been attempting to develope a social life with the many lovely ladies at work. While this is a very rewarding pursuit I can hardly justify it as taking up my time for writing short diddys about my times in China though as I have only met marginal success to date and all of it has been recent.

Second I am preparing to have a big Christmas party and so there has been a goodly amout of time spent running to stores trying to find the various things I need to make cookies, cider, and decorate my flat for christmas (I will take pictures when it is set up). But again much of the time involved baking durring which there is plenty of time to post something here, and the rest of it met with little success.

Lastly this brings me to the final and true reason for my lack of attention to this log, the visiting of the Dragon of Unhappiness upon my flatmate up until his return to the states.

Just a little over a month ago the dire events were set in motion, events that would cost Nico a great deal of money and wear my patients somewhat thin despite the swelling of sympathy his plight would create in me.

Nico's friend Mark took Nico out to dinner on a Sunday night and introduced him to a local brand of Baijo (Chinese alcohol ~112 proof) which Nico actually enjoyed. It was cheap and had actual flavor according to Nico, I never contested the point as a simple smell of the liquid was enough to repulse me. I will never understand the appeal of drinking alcohol even if I understand the appeal of the effects. Close to nothing in this world is worth drinking something which tastes as vile as that smells.

The following day Nico set off to buy a bottle of about 500ml of this same alcohol for about .80 cents. The Alcohol might have had nothing to do with the following events, and it might have started it, since I can't tell I include it.

That night Nico drank what I would estimate to be about 70ml of the bottle and then we went out to a resturant with friends. The resturant served traditional, local, food which we had never eaten before and featured rarities in China such as large peices of tender beef. Everything tasted very good and Nico ate a fair amount more than I did.

With Chinese food I find that the variety of flavors and sensations overwhelms my sense of taste after a while and causes me to be very satisfied with eating much less than I otherwise would. This might be part of the reason why I have lost considerable weight since being here.

The day following our dinner outing Nico became very ill. Indegestion mixed with digestive disfunction and all kinds of unpleasant things. He continued to be very ill for two and a half days and then slowly recovered somewhat apart from a soreness around his bottom.

He did not know it but the Dragon of Unhappiness had flown up his bottom.

Each day the pain got worse and when he couldn't quiet stand alone he decided it was time to ask if the people from work could get him some pain killers. When they couldn't do that without taking him to the hospital he agreed to go.

This started three weeks of hospitalization and two surgurys in which they had to releive the preassure cause by two sizeable infections in either half of his rear. The process left him immobile and me as his go-to guy for refilling his Mp3 player and other errands which he didn't know how to ask other people to do in Chinese, or when he just wanted to speak in Enlgish for a while.

Over the course of those three weeks I made it to see him on each day that I had time, which averaged out to everyother day or once every three days. I built up a little sleep debt from running my errands and caught a couple of colds durring that time also, but am now doing very well.

The passing of the Dragon of Unhappiness may very well have left a physical scar upon the unfortunate soul it visited, but it certainly made my life difficult for a while.

Imagine having to go a whole month with a friend in the hospital constantly calling you and not being able to use any variation of the phrase "pain in the ass"...