Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I'm dreaming of an Ireverant Christmas.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas,
Where everybody looks like me,
Where the talks of money,
And hows the honey?
And hey, cuz lo-ong time no see.
no see.

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas.
Just like the ones I used to know,
Where the store fronts glisten,
And children listen, to hear:
Whose folks spent more dough.
Fo' Sho'

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas.
With people spending all they can,
While the shops we're blaming,
The banks are gaining,
And lights, the whole ci-i-ty will span.
Oh Man.

I'm dreaming of a white, Christmas,
With all the bounced checks that I'll writes
Take your wallet from Heavy
To light...

And my all your Christmases
Be White.


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